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02/04/90 **** DOCUMENTATION ****
Version 1.0
Heidelbe is SHAREWARE. If you find it of use you are "required" to
register it. Please use this typeface at your own risk. No
warranty is expressed or implied. Though it has been thoroughly
tested with PageMaker,Notepad Write, and Ventura Publisher neither
Steve Shubitz nor Published Perfection! is responsible for any
adverse actions which might occur through the use of Heidelbe.
Permission is hereby granted to Compuserve to post this on their
system for downloading by subscribers. (C) 1989-1990 Steve Shubitz
* Published Perfection! * Authorization granted to distribute by
any other means as long as the contents of this zip file are not
altered. Specific permission granted to ASP Vendors to distribute
To use this PostScript typeface with Windows you MUST have the
MICROGRAFX PostScript Driver Version 2.1. Simply copy Heidelbe.pfa
and Heidelbe.wfm to the directory you have told the MGX driver you
keep your downloadable fonts in. On most systems this will be
\psfonts. Next delete mgxps.fit from this same directory. Then
launch Windows and gain access to the driver
through PageMaker or control.exe. Either download Heidelbe to your
printer or leave it's status as inline. Screen fonts will be
substituted in by Windows. Next select Heidelbe so it appears in
your list of typefaces and is shown as downloaded or inline. Start
PageMaker and open the supplied publication called Heidelbe.pm3.
It's a 7 page document and will show you how the characters are
mapped above 125 along with two Postscript files using Heidelbe.
Kerning examples are also provided along with character samples.
At the very least you should keep the print out of page 1 for
future reference since it tells you how to access these characters
in PageMaker. If you try and print all 7 pages in one print job on
some systems your print job may abort. Changing your transmission
retry setting to 500 via control.exe may cure this problem. In
that case print each page separately or select re-try. Some
systems may experience better luck completing this 7 page print
out if Heidelbe is selected as Inline....it's your choice.
Copy Heidelbe.afm and Heidelbe.pfa to the directory you keep your
PostScript fonts in. On most systems this will be c:\psfonts. If
you want to check the location open postscpt.cnf which is in your
Ventura directory. I have also enclosed Heidelbe.wid which assigns
number 306 to Heidelbe. If this does not conflict with your system
just copy it to your Ventura directory. If it does you will have
to run afmtovfm and vfmtowid. Heidelbe.lst is also enclosed for
just this purpose. After completing these steps you are ready to
start VP and use Heidelbe. Screen fonts will be substituted in by
VP.The choice of weather to use Heidelbe as download or resident
is up to you. If you select resident then use the proper utility
to download Heidelbe to your printer before you run VP. If you
wish to see the mapping for the extended characters load
charset.chp. Select Heidelbe as the font for this document and
print it. Retain this 2 page print out for future reference.
Please consult your manuals if you need further help.
A file called Heidelbe.afm is also provided for your use. One of
it's uses is to allow you to convert Heidelbe for use with Corel
Draw. Launch WFNBOSS and select Substitution and tell it where
Heidelbe.afm is located and then convert it to CD's own .wfn
format. If you try Readable PostScript by mistake WFNBOSS will not
convert Heidelbe. Corel's WFNBOSS ONLY supports Fontographer
Version 3.X generated fonts via Substitution. If you own other
PostScript Type 3 faces created with Version 2.x of Fontographer
you may use Readable PostScript for the conversion. Corel has
promised to upgrade WFNBOSS to support Fontographer Version 3.x
generated fonts via Readable PostScript in the not to distant
future. Once the conversion is complete close WFNBOSS and launch
CD. Heidelbe will appear as the last entry in the list of
available typefaces. I use BANFF for a screen display. Please
consult your Manuals if you need further help.
Heidelbe was designed by Bill Horton of Santa Barbara CA. Bill has
been working with type for over 20 years and is very talented. The
name was shortened for DOS. Bill shares in the Shareware income
and has provided us with exclusive rights to distribute and
convert Heidelbe for the DOS platform. To view his work in
Fontographer is a joy. I have also set Heidelbe as a masthead for
a newspaper and used it with restraint for enlarged caps. It is a
splendid face for certificates and awards which looks it's best at
2540 DPI. What follows are Bill's own words:
In what might be called an evolutionary process, here is the font
Heidelberg 89. It is what I consider to be a refinement to
MacHumaine, though it is conceivable others may prefer the
previous version.
It is my feeling that Heidelberg is more truly a calligraphic
style font than MacHumaine, with its more severe strokes and
sharper angles. I have used it for certificates commercially and
have had good comments only. I know there is a school of thought
which believes it is improper to create a font that simulates
actual pen or quill hand writing.
Without the help of a number of people this technology
would have never been possible. Altsys Corporation for
Fontographer. Certain PostScript modifications by Barry
Nostradamus Sher of Nostradamus Advertising,New York,NY
(212-581-1362). Advice and words of encouragement from Pat
Beirne,Kathleen Tinkel,Stephen Owades,and Eldor Gemst. To the best
of my knowledge Heidelbe is the SECOND Shareware fully functional
PostScript typeface for Windows and Ventura Publisher. It may also
be the second in this area for the PC platform. Our own Diego1
being the FIRST.
If Heidelbe is output at higher resolutions than 300 DPI I would
appreciate a sample. Knowing that Heidelbe is a well behaved font
I am sure that it will be used with other applications that run
from DOS as well as GEM and Windows.Please give me specifics in
this area. Your thoughts are always welcome for future fine
Perhaps your user manual or a fine bit of research on the use of
the MGX driver which is available on CIS in the msapp library 2
called MGX.NOS. by Barry "NOS" Sher (CIS# 76200,3631)
If you find Heidelbe of use and wish to help insure the
development of future low cost high quality PostScript typefaces
please send $20.00 along with your name and address to:
Steve Shubitz
Published Perfection!
7486 La Jolla Blvd. Suite 552
La Jolla CA. 92037
(619) 546-9309
CIS # 72047,3402
InterLink (DTP Forum:Steve Shubitz)
If you use Heidelbe and don't register it you won't help me much
and certainly won't receive upgrades or future releases of other
typefaces for Shareware evaluation. If and when the Type 1 specs
become available and Altsys releases Metamorphis or any utility to
better hint at low resolution and small point size registered
users will get an upgrade at a nominal cost.
Support is available by phone,CIS, and InterLink. I am available
for large Electronic Publishing jobs as well as Consulting using
Windows. If you desire a custom typeface or conversion of Type 3
Fontographer faces from the MAC to the PC please contact me for
specific quotes. It is the humble opinion of yours truly that
Heidelbe is equal to or exceeds any Type 3 PostScript typeface
available today. Many have suggested that we sell the face in the
retail market like most other vendors and only release a
"crippled" version for Shareware Evaluation. That's a subtle hint
that I need YOUR support for continued success. If Shareware works
then that's the way all future typefaces will be released and that
is my preferred method at the present time. We currently have 11
more PostScript typefaces under development.
Version 1.0 This is the first release.
Diego1 (Version 1.2) is the latest.
Any software mentioned in this Documentation is the registered
Trademark of the respective company.